In the beginning of February I designed a informative and unbiased dashboard to track and display CoViD-19 cases. I used the database from the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University. as this is the main data source when monitoring and comparing case numbers between countries on a global level.

Despite a number of dashboards that were already in place back then, I wanted to create one by myself. This is mainly due to the fact that I donโ€™t like over-loaded dashboards where it is hard to draw the required information from, and, that dark designs using red (blinking) colouring are too alarming. In my opinion, an unbiased and informative dashboard should look simple and intuitive, but allows to answer questions by modifying the view (e.g. filtering data) and making use of tooltips to provide more details.

You can have a look at the actual dashboard on Tableau Public, watch a demo on Vimeo and/or read a more detailed description here.

P.s.: This dashboard is a tool โ€“ not an infographic. ๐Ÿ˜‰