
Scientific, peer-reviewed publications

Pennekamp, F., M. Pontarp, A. Tabi, F. Altermatt, R. Alther, Y. Choffat, E. A. Fronhofer, P. Ganesanandamoorthy, A. Garnier, J. I. Griffiths, S. Greene, K. Horgan, T. M. Massie, E. Mächler, G.-M. Palamara, M. Seymour, and O. L. Petchey (2018) Biodiversity increases and decreases ecosystem stability. Nature 563: 109–112

Petchey, O. L., M. Pontarp, T. M. Massie, F. Altermatt, A. Beckerman, D. Childs, S. Kéfi, J. Levine, B. Matthews, B. McGill, A. Ozgul, G.-M. Palamara, F. Pennekamp, M. Schaepmann, P. Spaak, M. Weilenmann (2015) The Ecological Forecast Horizon, and examples of its uses and determinants. Ecology Letters 18: 597–611

Altermatt, F., E. A. Fronhofer, A. Garnier, A. Giometto, F. Hammes, J. Klecka, D. Legrand, E. Mächler, T. M. Massie, F. Pennekamp, M. Plebani, M. Pontarp, N. Schtickzelle, V. Thuillier, O. L . Petchey (2015) Big answers from small worlds: a user’s guide for protist microcosms as a model system in ecology and evolution. Methods in Ecology and Evolution doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12312

Massie, T. M., B. Blasius, G. Weithoff, G., U. Gaedke (2015) Enhanced Moran effect by spatial variation in environmental autocorrelation. Nature Communications 6:5993 doi: 10.1038/ncomms6993

Massie, T. M., A. Ryabov, B. Blasius, G. Weithoff, and U. Gaedke (2013) Complex transient dynamics of stage-structured populations in response to environmental changes. The American Naturalist 182: 103–119.

Massie, T. M., B. Blasius, G. Weithoff, U. Gaedke, and G. F. Fussmann (2010) Cycles, phase synchronization, and entrainment in single-species phytoplankton populations. PNAS 107: 4236–41.

Other publications

Photgraphic work. Topic: Time. Portal Wissen - Das Forschungsmagazin der Universität Potsdam (2014)

Photographic work. Portrait of a kindergarten. Freier Chindsgi Hönggerberg (2017)