It happens from time to time that I’m using datasets which include physical addesses that need to be turned into longitude/latitude data. For example, when working data of mass shootings in the US the Gun Violence Archive GVA provides physical addresses only.

So, how to get long/lat data? Well, there are many solution out there. However, tidygeocoder is by far the most convenient one to get the job done. The package was developped by Jesse Cambon, Diego Hernangómez, Christopher Belanger and Daniel Possenriede. I especially like that it allows you to chose your service or ‘method’ of choice. You may use ones that don’t require any API key, such as Nominatim or ArcGis, or others that do, such as Google or TomTom.

I tried, both, Nominatim (method = "osm") and ArcGis (method = "arcgis") and checked the results. While Nominatim was failing quite often with an address value like 2746 Fleur Dr., Des Moines, Iowa, ArcGis found all long/lat data as well as the other details that are possible to retrieve (full_results = TRUE) with a score of 100 or slightly below.

Here’s the code. You should definitely give it a try!


# clean workspace
rm(list = ls())

# read data
dd_children_killed_raw = read_csv("../02_data/children_killed_20230423.csv")
dd_children_injured_raw = read_csv("../02_data/children_injured_20230423.csv")

dd_children_raw <- dd_children_killed_raw %>% 

# basic checks
# a bit more detail

# geocoding physical addresses to long/lat data
dd_children <- dd_children_raw %>% 
  # cleaning field names
  clean_names() %>% 
  sample_frac(size = 0.005) %>% 
    # adding an age class
    age_class = "children (0-11 years)",
    # full address field used for geocoding
    full_address = paste0(address, ", ", city_or_county, ", ", state),
    # creating a real date field
    incident_dates = as.Date(incident_date, format = "%B #d, %Y")
  ) %>% 
  arrange(incident_id) %>% 
  # getting all details from selected service
  geocode(full_address, method = "arcgis", full_results = TRUE)
  # getting long/data data only
  # geocode(full_address, method = 'osm', lat = latitude , long = longitude)