Geocoding made easy

It happens from time to time that I’m using datasets which include physical addesses that need to be turned into longitude/latitude data. For example, when working data of mass shootings in the US the Gun Violence Archive GVA provides physical addresses only. [Read More]
Tags: R, tidygeocoder, geocoding, geo, map, visualization, viz


I came across this topic in a recent LinkedIn post by investigative journalist Daniel Drepper. An international research network investigated the spread of PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) to unveil the scale of pollution. This group of chemicals are linked to various deseases such as cancer and infertility. As a... [Read More]
Tags: R, Shiny, map, visual analytics, visualization, viz, PFAS, journalism, interactive, exploration

Waffle charts in R

Displaying proportional data, i.e., subsets of data that contribute to a whole, can be done in various ways. However, two particular suitable types of visualisations are isotypes and waffle charts. [Read More]
Tags: R, ggplot, visual analytics, visualization, viz, waffle, isotype, chart, CoViD-19

Apple Music Library

Recently, I was wondering about which are the songs I listen to most often on Apple Music. Sure, Apple Music can show you the “Top 25 Most Played” songs. However, it didn’t provide me with the instant overview I wanted to have. And it’s not made for conditional filtering. [Read More]
Tags: Tableau, Tableau Public, dashboard, visual analytics, visualization, viz, Apple, Apple Music, Music

Global CoViD-19 dashboard.

In the beginning of February I designed a informative and unbiased dashboard to track and display CoViD-19 cases. I used the database from the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University. as this is the main data source when monitoring and comparing case numbers between countries... [Read More]
Tags: Tableau, Tableau Public, dashboard, visual analytics, visualization, viz, CoViD-19, pandemic