Complex Superstore.

A feature recently introduced in Tableau is animations. While you might think that this is rather a gimmick than truly adding value to your visualisations, please, have a look at this dashboard build from Tableau’s Superstore dataset. [Read More]
Tags: Tableau, Tableau Public, dashboard, visual analytics, visualization, viz, animations, parameter actions

Dogs of Zurich.

Synchronous scrolling is something quite annoying in Tableau. Whenever one has two or more tables that should behave as one it gets a bit hard to make this happen in an easy way. I was applying a simple parameter/filter approach, but it’s still not perfect. [Read More]
Tags: Tableau, Tableau Public, dashboard, visual analytics, visualization, viz, synchronous scrolling, switching charts, layout containers

Interactive CV.

Recently, I managed to finally design my very own interactive CV with Tableau and published it on Tableau Public. I wanted to do this since a couple of months, but couldn’t find the time. Well, now it’s done and you can have a look at it here. And don’t worry,... [Read More]
Tags: Tableau, Tableau Public, dashboard, visual analytics, visualization, viz

Global terrorism.

Interested in when and where terror attacks occurred? Then go and have a look at this project in which I visualised data from the global terrorism database (GTDB) using Tableau Public. You can find it here.
Tags: data analysis, terrorism, GTDB, visualisation, Tableau

Storm data exploration using Tableau.

Another way of exploring the HURDAT2 data set is employing Tableau, a pretty nice software for analysis and visualisation of data. [Read More]
Tags: data analysis, storms, HURDAT2, visualisation, Tableau